Ecuador, minor girls raped with children face special challenges

Posted on September 23, 2012 • Filed under: Crime, Ecuador, Latin America Womens Issues, Social Issues

El Universo reported that for six years come to his office for help minors who became pregnant after being raped. Given the dramatic stories of facing these youth, Beatriz Bordes, a lawyer and president of the Fundación María Guare, which provides psychological and legal assistance to those adolescents should also receive psychological therapies is so shocking that address these cases, explicit, you reach the soul.

One of these children, who reside in a popular area in the north of Guayaquil, suffered the violation of almost all family: uncles, cousins ​​and siblings. Pese a que esta adolescente buscó refugio en su madre, esta “se hizo la desentendida” y la joven seguía padeciendo esas agresiones. Although this teen sought refuge at her mother, this “pretended not to be” and she continued to suffer from these attacks. Luego tuvo hijos y pareja. Then she had children and couples. Cuando discutía con esta, optaba por prostituirse. When discussing this, chose prostitution. Read Article

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