Bomb hoax by two passengers causes evacuation of Aerolineas Argentina flight

Posted on January 24, 2012 • Filed under: Argentina, Crime, Latin America Aviation, TRAVEL

By order of Captain passengers and luggage were evacuated at the bedside West runway. PSA staff intervened and Fire in the security operation. The threat would have been a prank by two young men came down from the plane in Neuquén.
Flight 1992 departed from Aerolineas Argentinas Aeroparque on Tuesday morning with Neuquén and Calafate as destinations before returning along the same route. He landed in El Calafate at 12.26 and stopped at the top West Runway. There were evacuated all the passengers by the commander of the aircraft as a passenger explained LU23, said a passenger found a note in the bathroom giving notice of the existence of a bomb on the plane. Read Article

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