Expat states concerns about medical care in Ecuador

Posted on March 13, 2018 • Filed under: Ecuador, Ecuador Emergency, Latin America Health

This is an opinion and observation  in general about health care in Ecuador for current and future expats. This expat recently visited the U.S. regarding medical issues and shares the thoughts of her medical team and the care she is receiving in Ecuador. The post is from social media and the name of the individual has been redacted for privacy concerns.

…… revisiting my doctors in the United States, and presenting my Ecuadorian healthcare records, that the reaction of the physicians at Mayo Clinic was somewhere between shock and terror. I have been told that, even though I have been treated in Ecuador’s top hospitals, (and most expensive), that the technology and protocol is far behind what would be considered acceptable standards in North America. They say that continuing to seek treatment in Ecuador, could indeed shorten my life….it’s that serious. Did I have other clues? Yes, like a subdural hematoma during a recent procedure precluded by poor monitoring of my sky high blood pressure, and in a subsequent surgery to stop the internal bleeding….I awoke during general anesthetic, and was aware, but paralyzed. I have had doctors make sexual advances, and surgeons ask me to go to the ATM to buy screws during surgery that ‘were forgotten’ before the patient was anesthetized. My local doctor, doesn’t even do blood work. She makes a good educated guess and gives you a few shots, and sends you own your way. I have been with friends in private clinics that were filthy….needles on the floor, and no soap or toilet paper in the bathrooms. Yes, indeed there were plenty of hints had I wanted to NOT believe my own trumpeting. However, when my doctors reviewed my notes this week, from the top hospitals in Ecuador, including Hospital Metropolitano in Quito, and found them woefully inadequate given the complicated nature of my condition, I am forced to sit up and take note. This is MY report, and MY experience. It is not a forum to fight. It is a simple warning, that if you have a complicated medical history, it might be best to do your legwork before relocating. I knew it in my head, but decided to ignore the fact, that not all countries have access to the highest level care in the world, no matter what you pay There are wonderful doctors in Ecuador, but if the hospitals, technology, training, education, hygiene, oversight, clinical trials etc etc, aren’t keeping pace with your homeland, then it is a consideration worth some investigation. Good health takes a team


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