Peru, Human traffickers adapt and find new routes

Posted on February 8, 2011 • Filed under: Crime, Human Rights Latin America, Human Smuggling, Peru

The people in human trafficking are similar to cockroaches. Once you stamp them out of one area they adjust, adapt, and keep coming back. The same is true with the human traffickers in Peru. There needs to be better education among all levels of the community about promises of jobs ect. to young people and or their families. Unfortunately, many job promises are empty and usually lead to be exploited sexually. describes some of the routes the victims are taken on before reaching their final destination.

1. Human traffickers are using a route from Iquitos to the port of Yurimaguas, before being staged for the victim’s final destination where they are usually sexually exploited.

2. Much of the traffic begins in Iquitos where the victims are taken via boat to Yurimaguas.

3. They are then taken by road through San Martin to Amazonas at Bagua Chica, Bagua Grande and Cajamarca.

4. Once they reach Lambayeque the victims are distributed among traffickers with destinations in the north of Peru at Piura and Tumbes or the southern part of the country including Lima, Moquegun, and Taena.

5. The females are then sexually exploited and usually work in bars, nightclubs, and cantinas.

6. THe river route is seldom monitored for identification and there is concern in a few years that trafficking could really increase with the port at Yurimaguas becomes a central hub connecting with Brazil.

7. Many traffickers are now targeting young women of ages 18, 19, and 20 in that if the traffickers are caught they can not be charged with trafficking minors.


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