Mexico: missing Australian tourist found unharmed in Valladolid

Posted on January 30, 2013 • Filed under: Mexico, Police/Military Activity, TRAVEL

According to, the Attorney General’s Office (FGE) reported the location of a foreign tourist who remained missing since last week in the east of the entity and who was found unharmed.

The agency reported that the Australian citizen spotted Bojana Jokic, reported missing in the city of Valladolid after an operation by the Ministerial Investigative Police.

The woman was found in the last hours of his return to the city after two days of searching, which included the deployment of agents in different points as Chichen Itza, Piste, Dzinup, Ek Balam, Temozon, Tizimín, Izamal, Coba, Uayma and some points of Quintana Roo. Read Article

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