Ecuador: President charges NGO’s in attempts to destablilize progressive governments

Posted on June 5, 2014 • Filed under: Latin America News reported the President of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, claimed Wednesday a regional response to so called “infiltration” of non-governmental organizations that have been constituted in “anti-democratic alternatives and illegitimate Governments” and that would be part of a strategy funded by the American right to destabilize progressive Governments.

During a meeting with reporters, the President did not rule out bringing the discussion of the issue at the next meeting of the community of Latin American and the Caribbean (CELAC).

“We are infiltrated by all sides (…) so to be aware of what is happening and if possible – that can speak it in CELAC also – to have a regional response to the infiltration of non-governmental organizations that are no longer the Red Cross, to help war wounded; that they are not doctors without borders, combating diseases in the third world; “are not, alternative undemocratic and illegitimate States”, emphasized.

Criticisms of belt suggest that certain NGOs seeking to establish public policy unlawfully replacing leaders who won elections subject to popular scrutiny.

“That is unacceptable, there is required a regional response to the infiltration of non-governmental organizations which are in fact organizations of other Governments in Latin America”, stressed.

Correa expressed solidarity with Cuba by infiltration through the social network Zunzuneo, promoted with funding from USAID, and urged not be naive and call things by their name in relation to organizations which disguise their activities purposes supposedly altruistic.

“All this bag it with cute name: non-governmental organizations, how nice people not so altruistic that without being public sector, without being private for-profit sector, they engaged will surely improve the world in which we live”, quipped the Ecuadorian President.

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