Ecuador: Mixed Gangs of Colombians and Ecuadorians scaring residents in Sucumbios

Posted on August 10, 2016 • Filed under: Border Issues, Colombia, Crime, Ecuador, Ecuador Emergency, FARC, Organized Crime

Fernando Medina August 9, 2016 /

He was kidnapped in the Ecuadorian jungle for 20 days. His captors were presented as members of the so – called “guerrilla ecuatoriana”, a group that for a month frightens border communities of Sucumbios. Victor M. is 66 years old and since it was released has not returned to his farm which is set on the banks of the San Miguel River. He lives on the property since 1980. From there he has seen for years how guerrillas of the FARC crossing the San Miguel to rest on Ecuadorian soil. These armed have passed through their land, but says he has never done anything. So when he was kidnapped last June 30, I knew there were people of the Colombian guerrillas. On Wednesday he agreed to tell TRADE how he lived the days he was in captivity. In the room of a small house, where he is now, he recalled that were 16:30 when three men came to his home and told him they wanted to buy cattle. After talking about 35 minutes they agreed to return the next day with the money. This happened. The men arrived with a woman who was called “the boss, la patrona”. She allegedly betrayed the payment and then took two pistols and shouted: “You are kidnapped and have to come with us.” This happened as she pointed their weapons at the neck and stomach. Victor’s case is known in Lago Agrio, because after his release the police arrested nine men. Of these, seven are Colombians and two Ecuadorians. The agents know that the suspects were part of a criminal gang and not a guerrilla group calling themselves as when they asked for US $ 1 million ransom.


Sucumbios military intelligence also confirmed that information, but warned that “the bands try to organize and position themselves with violent attacks.” The researchers even warn that the groups are formed by dissidents of the FARC, who have doctrine in violent attacks and handling of explosives. Hence, in the last three weeks there have been three bomb attacks in the province. One occurred in Lago Agrio. Unknowns put an explosive in a car. While in the town of Puerto El Carmen they placed two bombs in shops in the area. These two facts two people were also arrested. One was from Colombia and one from Ecuador. In such detention, the military found a Granada and ammunition were presumed irregular groups. In fact, so far in 2016, the Army has 30 weapons seized in Sucumbios, 473 ammunition and more than 63 types of explosives. The group held kidnapped Victor also used firearms. In the days he slept in the jungle he saw that everyone who watched armed with pistols and shotguns. So there is concern in the authorities, who announced that a meeting in Puerto El Carmen will be held on August 10 to discuss the issue of security. Navy information, regarding the bands would be extorting in some 40 towns with the so – called “vaccine” it will also be analyzed. This mechanism is merely a ransom payment required farmers for allegedly provide security. This phenomenon, which initially was usual FARC has been adopted by these bands that receive payments on Colombian soil or appoint a collector. Those details Victor M. also met during the time he was kidnapped. You remember most are the conversations of suspected guerrillas because “always spoke of vaccines.” Even says that while eating rice with sardines, suspects uttered the names of the people who would be the next kidnapped. “They had a list.” Police say no reports of new kidnappings and Defense said the attacks are investigated. Read Article

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