Ecuador: Correa Demands Public Hospitals treat patients better

Posted on August 31, 2014 • Filed under: Ecuador, Latin America Health reported Ecuadorian president Rafael Correa emphasized that he will not allow population is mistreated by public services.

He also stated that he had received complaints from patients of Eugenio Espejo Hospital, although in 2011, he had given the order of that relatives must be assigned a place to stay while they wait for emergency patients.

The order was carried out in that year; however, when he made a surprise visit this week, along with the Health Minister Carina Vance, he found that this waiting room no longer existed.

In front of the public hospital, there is an old heritage building in perfect condition, where reclining seats and a plasma TV are placed. This is done to make the waiting experience less stressful and safer, away from the cold street in Quito, said the president who regretted the lack of a waiting room. “We arrived to the hospital on Wednesday at 22:00, and the waiting room was not there anymore. Instead, there were some oncology offices, while the original offices were being remodeled, but families were waiting crowded, that’s a shame”, expressed indignantly the chief executive, during 388th “Citizens’ Outreach”, which was held in the city of Guayaquil. “I will not allow that people are being maltreated or that the president’s word is mocked”, said Correa, who requested an immediate solution to the Health Minister, while an evidence video of a 2011’s Citizens’ Outreach was being projected, in which he had already given the order regarding the patients’ relatives.


“They should be helped in a humanitarian way, that’s the policy that must be taken into account”, he argued, and he added that the ambulance drivers cannot be mistreated either, since they have to wait inside the ambulance, and they should have another place assigned to wait for emergencies. Read Article

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