Debate distribution of prostitution fliers in Buenos Aires, Argentina

Posted on June 13, 2011 • Filed under: Argentina, Human Smuggling, Latin America Womens Issues

Different entities of Buenos Aires legislature held a debate at the beginning of the weekend that focused on the advertising of prostitution on the city streets by handing out small pamphlets depicting naked and half-naked prostitutes and how to contact them. It is difficult to make it more than a block or two in downtown Buenos Aires without being handed a flier or seeing them taped to public surfaces like telephone booths, billboards, the sides of buildings, shop bulletin boards and news stands. According to, some groups suggested making all posters and fliers illegal, while groups like the Ministry of Environment and Public Space said this wouldn’t effectively combat prostitution and proposed that any advertising on the street of prostitution and brothels be illegal. The Association of Women Prostitutes of Argentina disagreed with this idea stating that the only outlet to the public some prostitutes have is through these fliers. The difficulty in the debate lies with forced prostitution. Those that want to work in the sex industry should have labor and education rights, but those who are forced into it should be helped. The fliers benefit some and further enslave others.
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