Cotacachi, Ecuador: One expat’s story of living in the mountains

Posted on August 4, 2016 • Filed under: Ecuador, Ecuador Travel Bridenstine wrote …here I am today, living in the mountain town of Cotacachi, Ecuador. I feel proud that we were able to realize our dream of a better life. And now that our new lives are well-established here (we’ve been living here for over a year now), I honestly say I have no regrets.

My husband, Kim, and I live comfortably within our budget of $2,000 per month and everyday life is more fulfilling as we get to do the things we love. We’re constantly meeting interesting people and making new friends. We’re both healthier and can afford to travel and explore a whole new continent.

Such a change required serious deliberation. There were many things to be considered. When we first contemplated the idea, it felt daunting. I felt as if I was standing at the edge of an abyss, with no idea how to reach the other side. Talking to expats here in Ecuador though, we realize that everyone had similar concerns.

When planning our move, we relied heavily on International Living for information. It became our mentor, offering support from others who’d done what we were about to do…move overseas. So if you’re standing, staring into that abyss like I was six years ago, let me put your mind at ease by saying that you too can do this.

What helped me most during the planning stages was making lists and thinking of only one thing at a time. When a project was completed, there was the satisfaction of crossing it off the list and knowing I was one step closer to our goal of living in Ecuador. Another method that helped us was to delegate assignments to both of us. Kim and I each have our own strengths and that cut the work in half. Read Article


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