In one decade over 20,000 Mexicans jailed in foreign countries

Posted on April 5, 2011 • Filed under: Crime, Human Rights Latin America, Mexico

According to the, there have been over 20,000 Mexicans jailed for offenses in foreign countries. Since 2010, the number has been 2,000 and approximately 10 percent are women. Most of the crimes they have been charged with are drug related.

The organization that keeps tabs on these individuals is called ‘Proteccion a Mexicanos en el Exterior which works under the ‘Secretaria de Relacion Exteriors (SRE). They are charged with the responsibility of keeping tabs on Mexicans in custody overseas and that laws are being followed in their treatment.

Most of the Mexicans incarcerated are in the United States. However, they also are in Spain, Germany, Italy, Colombia, Panama, and Peru. Numbers have begun to increase in Asia with 22 reported cases in Japan. China and Thailand each have one Mexican in jail and there are three in Malaysia. Canada is difficult to get numbers because of the secrecy and privacy laws of foreigners in Jail. Read Article

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