Social decay in Argentina

Posted on June 30, 2011 • Filed under: Argentina, Health, Politics, Social Issues

As a new presidential race grows near, many in Argentina are critical and skeptical of what their leaders are doing to better the Argentine society, says With 4 million people living below the poverty line, 6% of the population suffering from malnutrition and a rising inflation that increases the gap between the rich and the poor, many are wondering what politicians plan to do to fix it. But hypocrisy, corruption and dirty politics seem to be what is important in the government and lax promises from politicians only promote the decaying social system in the country. In Argentina some 20 million people are without health insurance, half of public maternity wards are unsafe, 30% of births are to women below the poverty line and 8 children die every day due to hunger. The population calls for strong state policies against homelessness, poverty and marginalization to fix social conditions.
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