Ecuador: Pan-American Highway Transit Resumed Between Ibarra and Tulcan

Posted on August 1, 2011 • Filed under: Conflicts, Ecuador, Latin America Travel, Politics, Social Issues, TRAVEL

According to transit was blocked on the Pan-American Highway between the towns of Ibarra and Tulcan, a sector called Chota Valley, at 7 a.m. this morning, Monday August 1st. El Comercio reports that resident of the Afro-Ecuadorian community of Tumbatu blocked the highway with tree branches that contained thorns to protest the governments unfulfilled promise to help build 26 houses and provide potable water for the community. One of the residents says the community has been asking the Ecuadorian government for assistance for about 2 years. As of 9:50 a.m. the roadway had been cleared and transit was restored after residents began a dialogue with government officials including the governors of Carachi and Imbabura who ‘rushed to the scene.’ Officials say more than 500 vehicles were stuck on the highway for about 3 hours. Read Article

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