Cozumel Mexico: Tourist robbed of $600 in bag snatching, thief gets away

Posted on October 8, 2014 • Filed under: Crime, Mexico, TRAVEL reported a tourist who was walking in the avenida Rafael e. Melgar overnight was the victim of a lone thief, which snatched her handbag, which contained $600, same that it was aided by the tourist police, who on Board of a patrol carried out a tour of the area, while they were successful in locating the criminal. The incident took place when the tourist Helen Smith was walking in the avenida Rafael e. Melgar, since for several days is in holiday island, in that is hosted in the Casa del Mar hotel, located in the southern part of the island.

The foreign tourist took a nasty surprise at the time in a subject snatched her handbag, which had 600 dollars approximately, to then give to leakage, while screaming women asked for help, situation that elements of the tourist police is showed, themselves who took witness of the incident, then conducted an operation in the area. The military mounted an operating location to locate the lone thief, which was said ran aimlessly; the police entered to various areas, such as Benito Juárez Park, but not localized to the offender, situation which recommended to the tourists who lodged its formal complaint, continue with investigations. Read Article

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