Boat Sinks In Galapagos, Four Days of Clean-Up

Posted on June 27, 2011 • Filed under: Ecuador, Enviromental Issues, Galapagos Islands, Oil, TRAVEL

According to last Thursday the vessel, San Juan III, sunk around 2 p.m. in the harbor of Puerto Ayora, Santa Cruz. The owner was transferring fuel from one boat to another and the ship became unbalanced and overturned. Within five minutes the boat sank spilling about 700 gallons of diesel. Officials say there were no passengers on-board at the time of the accident. Immediately the harbormaster launched an operation that began placing oil barriers to prevent absorption of oil in the area. Authorities say that there has been no marks or traces of fuel at sea. They are monitoring the area for possible flora and fauna damage. An investigation is ongoing to find the cause of the spill and see if anyone is at fault. If the owner of the vessel is found liable then there could be a temporary or permanent suspension of his tourism patent, authorities say.Read Article

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