Neo-Nazi in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, To Be Investigated for Violent Actions

Posted on April 11, 2013 • Filed under: Brazil, Crime, Human Rights Latin America, Police/Military Activity, Social Issues

On April 11, 2013, Globo reported that a neo-Nazi living in the Brazilian city of Belo Horizonte is now under investigation for photos he posted on his Facebook. Antonio Donato Baudson Peret, 24, posted on his Facebook an image of himself choking a homeless man with a chain, making reference to the homeless man doing drugs in a public park. Police are also investigating other incidents attributed to Antonio Donato, including a case in 2011 where he and a 17 year-old boy beat up a gay couple in the city with brass knuckles. He was also arrested in São Paulo on February 19 of this year with a group of skinheads for attacking a group of skaters.  Read Article

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