Ecuador: 928,000 opt-out not to donate organs on cedula

Posted on November 20, 2016 • Filed under: Ecuador, Ecuador Emergency, Latin America Health

928 thousand Ecuadorians have opted not to donate their organs reported in 2016, 600 transplants have been performed

It is always a question of time. A race against. First is the time that is expected and wanted to extend so that a life does not die out. Then there is the one that presses, because what for some is the end, for others it is a beginning and then life and death are united in one purpose: to give hope, since when one life is lost, others can be saved by being organ donors .


This is a condition that all legal Ecuadorians and foreigners – over 18 years of age – tacitly accept if they do not express the contrary in their assignment. This is stipulated in the Organic Law of Donation and Transplantation of Organs, Tissues and Cells in force since March 2011. Figures of the Civil Registry, which in March 2012 initiated the consultation of the will of citizens to be or not donors, give account That 6’019,175 people are in the country. Read Article

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